Oh Kim!

Name: Kimberly Ann M. Caponpon

Age: 22
Gender: Female
Location: Dededo, Guam

HD: Hafadaze! First question, are you single or taken?
Kim: Taken.

HD: Blah, if you weren’t taken, how would a guy get around to taking you on a date?
Kim: Well, he could start by asking my boyfriend if it’s ok… 🙂

HD: lakdjfa;ldkjlv;aisueroIUlkflfkjghaldkjfa;lJ!!! We’re 0/2. Do you work? Go to school?
Kim: I work part-time as a Bartender at Tumon Bay Lobster and Grill and am also a full-time student and graduating senior at the University of Guam.
HD: Nice! I heard they have really good beef kelaguen at TBLG! And there used to be this HOTTTTT server there too… don’t think she works there anymore though. Anyway……..

HD: How did you get into modeling?
Kim: I haven’t really done much modeling. It’s mostly just for fun with friends who are getting into photography, but the first photoshoot I had ever done was for Steven Zhao. The pictures were displayed in an exhibit at Two Lovers Point and in the book “Inspirations of Guam.” I was working in Acanta Mall at the time and he came in and asked if I was interested in modeling for him.
HD: Sweet! Thank you Steven!!!!!!

HD: Got any favorite hobbies?
Kim: Most of my time is spent at school and work, but whenever I can find the time to, I love hiking and going to the beach, swimming, and scuba diving. Pretty much anything to do with the water. I also love playing volleyball, singing, and playing with my new Boxer puppy Brahma. And I recently went skydiving for the first time and would go more often if it wasn’t so expensive.
HD: So you don’t want to play Left for Dead with me on Xbox?
Kim: Not really.
HD: How about Starcraft 2?
Kim: No.

HD: Am I annoying you now? Got any pet peeves?
Kim: I think the biggest thing for me is keeping your promises and word to me. That and being ignored. I hate the feeling of being ignored.

HD: Oh let me tell you right now, you have my the attention of my ears, eyes, toes, fingers, hair, shoes, my pugua tree,…..
Kim: Next question?!

HD: ha! That was getting pretty awkward. How about sharing your weirdest and most awkward moment, besides this interview of course.
Kim: I’m sure I have a lot. My boyfriend always tells me I’m one of the smartest, but also one of the diztiest girls he knows. I think my mouth just moves faster than my brain sometimes, haha. Unfortunately, I can’t think of any one specific moment right now.

HD: All I heard was mouth. Where do you like to eat?
Kim: Well, I love to eat, so this is a tough one, haha.. I don’t really have a “favorite,” but I do eat at Sunset Grill a lot. Almost every day, actually.

HD: Really? We can’t tell at all…. Doesn’t look like you need a New Year’s Resolution. Speaking of which, do you have one?
Kim: I didn’t have one. I don’t think I’ve ever had one. I was never really one for New Years Resolutions.

HD: Ok…. Where can we find you on a Sunday night? How about a Friday night?
Kim: You can pretty much find me at Sunset Grill every night. My boyfriend owns the restaurant so I’m there almost every day after class. Other than that, I don’t go out too much, but if I am out you’ll probably find me at the Trench, Las Vegas, or Raku.

HD: Leche, whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas! Got any dark secrets?
Kim: I’m not even sure if I have a deep, dark secret? At least there’s nothing that comes to mind. I’m usually too busy to get into any scandals and I’m pretty open about most things.

: Ok, you got my contact info in case you want to tell me something; like your drink of choice… in case we run into each other again at some bar…. Or something… or like a party… or um…
Kim: I don’t drink too much anymore, but it would probably be Captain Morgan and Coke or a Corona. If we’re taking shots, then it’d have to be a SoCo chilled.

HD: I’ll remember that. Boxers or briefs or none?
Kim: Boxer briefs! 🙂
HD: Smarty pants!

HD: Okay, last question…. Since HafaDaze’s main focus is about the car culture and lifestyle on Guam… What do you drive?
Kim: 2005 Toyota Corolla, A 2002 Dodge Ram, or on the back of a 2006 Harley Davidson Sportster.
: Can you pack me?
: NO!

HD: Any shoutouts, dedications, props?
I’d like to thank my cousin Cat, for doing my make-up, my boyfriend Shane, for letting us use his baby (the bike) for the photoshoot, and HafaDaze for doing another great job! 🙂

BONUS!!! Check out this video by James Davis and Je T’Adore Studios:

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