Hafa adai. Thanks for joining us here on HAFADAZE.COM! As usual, it’s been awhile. Last time we had an actual post was on November 27, 2017… There’s a McDonald’s at the corner of Perez Acres in Yigo now… Jollibee opened… HAFADAZE and Butigroove had a collab shirt and HAFADAZE and Bongdoza’s held a collab meet…. yeah lots of things have hapened since 2017. lol.

If you follow our Instagram @hafadazeguam, you probably kinda know how this meet materialized. I really had a pretty lengthy throwback post ready to post up on here, but WordPress messed up royally and I lost motivation to retype all my ideas… But to make a long story short, Bong and I wanted to get together to see how a meet would work out like we did way back when with GU’NITEZ; Just a small kine, no pressure, chill kinda meet… The collab with Butigroove was actually something we did not plan for, it just kinda came outta nowhere.

Once upon a time, Butigroove was big on the island. Rooted in Hawaii, they were doing collabs with Fokai on surfing gear and eventually made their way to our local car scene. Most of the “big time” cars were running a Butigroove sticker on their car… Import models were also sporting Buti gear in short jeans skirts with thongs hanging out on their hip or lower back. It was heaven for most of us young guys who idolized Francine Dee, Sasha Singleton, Jeri Lee, etc…. “Buti” wasn’t “booty…” it was actually “beauty” said in Japanese fob accent, believe it or not. Anyway, to make a long story short, the Butigroove brand really planted a seed for the HAFADAZE boys’ interest in the import car scene and culture. When we received the blessing from them to move forward with a tee under HAFADAZE, we were stoked!

It’s really been awhile since we did any kind of car thing… most of the original HAFADAZE homies are no longer active so I was kinda skeptical on actually holding another one with little to no manpower. Thankfully, the turn-out was pretty good, and I had help here and there from people who came. The event wasn’t too big, not too small, just about right. I can’t even hang a damn sign cuz I failed boy scouts, but thanks to everyone who contributed and came to the meet. Bong and I actually went back and forth on it saying “if they come… they come… if they don’t… they don’t…” Glad you guys came! You guys are HAFADAZE!

A whole bunch of the GUxGENZ guys came out to show their support. This crew actually consists of all 10th generation Civics with other chapters in different cities in the states… Banks’ SI above, I think is probably the most modded 10th gen on island right now? I like how he fabbed the rear “fake” bumper vent into a “real” vent. Slick.

Rodell’s 240 and Powermove… Their lineup looked SICK rolling in… It reminded me of when Hector and his crew rolled into Harry’s in the original Fast and the Furious movie.


Rex’s Skyline looking mighty fine… As usual.

CTR~Bry and CTR~Kris…You really don’t need to do much to these cars, they are BEASTLY as is.

Except maybe for wheels… TE37s make everything better. 😀

TE37s… Yes, yes, yes, and more yes.

Methods are nice too though… Matt Baker getting some new rollers on his Taco. Probably one of my favorite Tacos right now… It just has that natural, “used for what it’s supposed to be used for” look. There’s no other Taco out there on the roads that looks like his and I’m not sure if there are any other Prerunners out there who go balls out like he does with his.

Jay’s TC from Team Kawada… One of the cleaner, more modified TCs on the streets right now; Would be nice if he held on to this since they have been discontinued since 2016.

Didn’t get to meet the owner of this S2K… but I’ve seen it on the road a few times and it did make me turn my head.

AP2 goodness…

Toyz R Us rolling deep, as usual…

Idol TRU~Ray finally running our frames!

TRU~Jed with some new wheels… TE37SLs. Wow, this post already has 4 sets of TE37s. lol

Skinner Plaza photographs so well doesn’t it. We were “TRU”-ly blessed with clear skies as it had been raining the day before and pretty much the whole week.

I spy……….. Wheels……….

Some American muscle, Jon from Team Rustic Garage…

Richard’s R32 GTR aka Godzilla…. Think I could sampu one time fro? 😉

Not sure what’s cooler, the full wrap on this 350z by Paul the Wrapper or the owner’s name, Jericho (same name as my baby boy)… Hmm.

Rex and Rodell checking out “one of the best 240s on island” owned by Abunai~Ben. Don’t see this car often, but when I do, it still kills. One of my favorite parts about it is the tint…


Such a nice looking car…

No stranger to the HAFADAZE world, Rowell from Hellx Hector Pascual 240 which won Best Stance at Hot Paseo Nights recently…

Furaidochikinkar? ga daisuki…

Abunai~Jimmy’s IS300… Starting to get used to not seeing him in a 240.

Abunai, always supporting. Thanks guys, for the company! Next time we gotta go live on IG together!

If one of Tom Akigami’s cars shows up to your event, you know it’s official. He made sure to get this thing up and running for the meet and it was nice to see it out and about again after years in storage. Gotta say, Tom is probably the Godfather of car shows on Guam… He’s linked to just about every huge show that has come and gone…

Tom and Thomas enjoying the day… I can’t wait to do car stuff with my boy when he’s old enough!

MTX made it out…


Ryan’s work in progress bagged FRS… This dude also owns a nice EK hatch that took home a trophy at Hot Paseo Nights…

M2S~Jay and Guaranteed~Harvy’s rigs… I think they went straight into the trails after the meet!

Former S2K hoarder turned to home/land hoarder, Jung Kim sandwiched by two CTRs with dat Spooooon bumper.

Overall, the meet was a success. I wish I got to mingle more with ya’ll and wish we got a group picture with most of the peeps who came like with what we did with the first GU’NITEZ way back when. There’s always next time though, noh? Once again, thank you for always showing support for our local car scene and keeping the positive vibes going.
You may view our full coverage of the meet on FLICKR courtesy of ADMYER PHOTOS.